Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A New Canada

It is time to consider a new vision for Canada. Our present politicians offer nothing more than the same old pandering to traditional groups in our nation, deceitfully playing one off of another, promising greater advantage than the other parties- with little more than the attainment of power and partisan tactics as their true purpose. Modern politics has become nothing more than the same week-old porridge, in an endless supply of shiny new bowls. A successful modern politician has become one who can speak with apparent great authority and conviction, yet say absolutely nothing.

It does not have to be this way.

It is time to re-evaluate the identity of our nation, to leave behind the constant entrenchment and affirmation of historic divisions. This article is an occasion to sketch out the social and economic consequences of rebuilding our nation on the foundations of respect for one another as individuals.

In earlier times, people lived as separate tribes upon the earth, speaking a thousand languages and dialects. Either, these tribes were unaware of each other, or oftentimes in competition or conflict. However, the present truth and reality of our global village continues to evolve. An idea can encompass the world in a moment. An individual can affect the unfolding of history from anywhere.

Yet, we still live very much in the past, clinging to archaic collective identities, sustaining long irrelevant antagonisms more by momentum than any present purpose. Few are smaller than those who work only for "their people", indifferent to all others. The path of maturity and respect is to know that the intentions and ambitions of one's efforts are towards the mutual advantage of all people- none advantaged at the expense of another.

Prejudice is only possible in a society where people are considered divided into groups. Prejudice is not possible in a society where each is respected as an individual. Prejudice is not prevented by the force of the state attempting to protect and defend groups. Prejudice will be eliminated by the enthusiasm, enterprise, and initiative of responsible citizens promoting a nation based upon respect for one another as individuals.

There are many subtle forms of these tribal divisions in our country- regional, racial, religious, or gender to name a few.

It is a disrespect to be judged solely on the qualities and values of one's collective. To consider others as merely defined by a group is to be blind to their qualities and values as an individual. When the state gives advantage to the individuals in one group, it does so at the forced sacrifice of other individuals. "Collective rights" are always at the expense of individual rights.

Thus, the only possible just foundation upon which to build our nation must be based upon considering one another as equal individuals. Legally, there must be one law for all. There cannot be different laws for different groups.

It is time to put behind us the idea that there are separate nations within our country, just as it is time to leave behind the idea that we are separated into "peoples". Canada must become one nation, with one people, and one law that applies to all equally.

As we move towards these values, it will become obvious that there is need for only one official language. It is to the advantage of all to be able to communicate clearly and directly. Inevitably, there will be those who feel offended and threatened at the idea of allowing French to be eliminated as an official language in our country- especially those who presently personally profit from sustaining the present situation- like separatist politicians and francophone media.

Yet, the communicating world is rapidly adopting and accepting English as our universal language. We are part of the world. At some point, we will also adopt a common tongue. It is inevitable that English will become our nation's single official language. People will always be richer for speaking other languages, yet a parent would only be handicapping their children if they do not ensure complete fluency in English these days.

A crucial economic consequence of building a nation upon the foundations of individual rights is that the state will no longer have the power to force money to individuals in any group. A fair case could be made for financial support for the northern territories. Otherwise, no regions would receive money forced from individuals in other regions. No races would receive money forced from individuals of other races. No occupations would receive money forced from individuals in other occupations. No political parties would receive money forced from individuals who might support other parties. And, no media broadcaster would receive money forced from individuals who might support other broadcaster.

This is a simple, clear, and objective line. Once one accepts the principle of the state forcing economic redistribution, there can never be a limit or boundary to this intervention. Eliminate the principle of arbitrary state intervention into the economy, and the line is clear and concrete.

In a nation based upon individual rights, the state does not recognise individuals divided into groups, so policies of forced economic redistribution are not a possibility or an issue.

The Canada of tomorrow will be one united nation, with one people, one law, and one official language. Our nation will become a light unto the world as one based clearly and firmly upon true and fair respect for one another. The example of our nation will be our gift to the world.


  1. Hi Ian. I enjoy your commentary on NP Full Comment.

    I think we see eye to eye on many thing and suspect we may be libertarian doppelgangers.

    I agree we need a change. The various forms of Marxism: (Communism, socialism, statist collectivism, sovietism) are even more monolithic and prone to corruption and a power brokering elite as the limited democracy we have now. This is why I say the left has no practical answers to our problem and actually adds to it.

    Our problem is that the party system has failed us and with the party whip and with the non confidence vote parliament has failed us. There is no constituent agenda carried by reps who are slaves to this system.

    We need more inclusive democracy with recall, referendum, independent MPs, PM's appointment power given to committees, end of nonconfidence replaced by impeachment and an elected PM and senate.

    Our parties resemble each other being just varying degrees of nanny statism the only difference being the different corporate crony's agendas they represent.

    Grass roots populist democracy, democratic reform of government, greater administrative, judicial and police function oversight by direct citizen accountability intervention.

    A proper constitution that clearly delineates the strictures on governments power over the individual and the province. - I could go on....

    But the real problem we face is wide spread apathy and a deeply disinformed public. No democracy can remain vibrant or healthy, let alone reformed when its dictatory leadership inspires apathy and its media seeds ignorance.

    Dim Reaper

  2. ... Dim: Great contribution.
    ... I would offer that once we eliminate the forcing of Canadians to finance any political parties or media- which would essentially eliminate the Liberals, Bloc, and CBC, we will begin to understand and discuss issues clearly- a tremendous step towards encouraging the interest and enthusiasm of all Canadians in crucial political issues.
    ... The greater the responsibility one has for one's life, the greater one's interest.

  3. Good work, Iain. I've linked to your post here.

    Not sure how the "English only" will go over -- I'd say prepare yourself for the typical "racist" insult. Of course, that simply ignores the reality that, like you said, prejudice is created and encouraged when the state divides people into groups, giving special protections to certain groups over others.

    I'm with you -- more power to the individual!

  4. ... Natasha: I look forward to the nonsense "racist" smears.
    ... Any opportunities and invitations to educate are always welcome.
    ... Thanks again for the honored link.

  5. This is great stuff. Dismantling collectivism to reduce the assault and degradation of individual rights will drive the Left crazy!
