The Tyranny of Collective Rights
Part Two: Public Service Unions
There are two political theories of employment. And, only two. The line between the two is the line between right and left-wing philosophy.
Right-wing philosophy is based upon respect for the principles of liberty and individual rights. A position of employment is recognised as the property of the employer. And, as a guest naturally considers the wishes of a host when visiting a home, so does an employee naturally respect the conditions offered by an employer. The employee is free to accept offered conditions, or to seek (or create) employment elsewhere. This is the system based upon a foundation of respect for the freedom of both parties. These principles apply to all employment, whether a lemonade stand, an automobile manufacturer, or the government.
However, left-wing philosophy is based upon the principle of collectivism, which does not accept the right of private property. A job is not considered the property of the employer, but is considered collective property with the employee. This then leads to the “collective right” to bargain conditions, as employees form a union to bargain their own contracts against employers.
In this system, the employer is not free to determine the conditions of employment, and the individual employee is not free to accept offered conditions.
There is no middle ground between these two systems. Either, the employer is allowed the freedom and respect to decide conditions, or the employer is not.
In a right-wing system, “fairness” is a clean and object line. The employer offers what is determined to be fair, and the employee makes a simple decision as to whether it is acceptable and fair. However, in a collectivist system, “fairness” is an entirely arbitrary line. The union can demand anything, and call it fair: or reject anything, and call it unfair.
As always, the “collective right” is a violation of the true freedoms and rights of all.
The existence of PS unions is an even more unacceptable assault on democracy and the principles of liberty. In a nation based upon respect for individual rights, our elected representatives must be 100% accountable to those who elect them and pay their salaries. Our politicians must be free and responsible to determine the conditions of PS employment. This includes any who receive tax dollars as wages, including teachers and police. However, the existence of PS unions denies our elected representatives the power to fulfill this crucial and correct role. It is an injustice and an offense that PS employees are able to “bargain” their own salaries and benefits against essentially defenceless working Canadians.
The time has come to begin to identify and understand the line between policies which uphold liberty and individual rights, versus those that violate these values. The Left is constantly disguising and obscuring their agenda in endless, evasive new labels, yet the principles remain the same.
We can no longer live in a society where some can claim a “collective right” which clearly violates respect for the rights of others. A strong, correct step is for governments to eliminate all PS unions, restoring accountability to our elected representatives, and respect for working Canadians.
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